The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Fleming Mason Energy was held at 9:30 a.m., Thursday February 2, 2023, at the office of the cooperative.  The following is a summary of the meeting activities.  The minutes of the January 5, 2023 meeting were approved.

  • Policy 201 “Engineering and Operations Planning” was reviewed, and changes were made and approved.
  • Policy 506 “Compensation When on Leave for a Worker’s Compensation Injury” was reviewed with no changes.
  • Policy 102 “Functions of the Board of Directors” was tabled until next month.
  • Policy 308, Donations was presented and approved.
  • Tim Pease spoke about email safety and the NRECA Cyber Goal Program.
  • The engineering and operations report was presented.
  • The financial and office services report was presented and approved.
  • John Roe updated the board on Kentucky Electric Cooperatives.
  • Brandon Hunt gave a CEO report on cooperative and industry topics.
  • Tim Eldridge updated the board on East Kentucky Power Cooperative.
  • There are no patronage refunds for January.
  • January new membership and service connections were reviewed.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.