The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Fleming-Mason Energy was held at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, September 5, 2024, at the office of the cooperative. The following is a summary of the meeting activities. The minutes of the August 1, 2024, meeting were approved.

  • · Approval of the Audit Engagement Letter
  • · Brandon Hunt gave a CEO report.
  • · Lauren Fritz gave the CFO report. The financial and office services report was presented and approved.
  • · The engineering and operations report was presented.
  • · ROW Contract was presented and approved.
  • · Lori Ulrich gave a review of the recent Honor Flight. Two Vietnam Veterans were on board from our territory.
  • · Policy 402, Member Billing and Collections was approved with suggested changes.
  • · Policy 518, Use of Company Vehicles and Equipment was approved with suggested changes.
  • · Tim Eldridge updated the board on the recent EKPC meeting held in August.
  • · There were 19 capital credit refunds for August.
  • · May new membership and service connections were reviewed.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.